Museum News

Remembering David Woods

Posted on Aug 15, 2019, by

In our museum journey together, some of you may have engaged with Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass Board Member and enthusiastic patron, David Woods. David passed away on April 26th at his Appleton home.  An obituary has been made public by his family and other tribute pieces have been written, making this less difficult to write […]

The Art of Being Uncomfortable

Posted on Jul 10, 2019, by

“Become comfortable being uncomfortable,” is a phrase I recently saw on a poster in Neenah High School. My son told me it means we lean into the change and growth occurring in our lives. “Become comfortable being uncomfortable”, could be a sign at the entry of the Reflecting Perspectives exhibit on view now at Bergstrom-Mahler […]

Carmen Lozar – Life is Messy

Posted on Jan 15, 2019, by

Born in 1975, Carmen Lozar lives in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois where she maintains a studio and is a member of the art faculty at Illinois Wesleyan University. Carmen has taught at Pilchuck Glass School, Penland School of Craft, Pittsburgh Glass School, Appalachian Center for Crafts, The Chrysler Museum, and the Glass Furnace in Istanbul, Turkey. She […]

Kristin Thielking and Lisa Beth Robinson

Posted on Jan 8, 2019, by

Our next featured artists from the Sharper Edges exhibit are Kristin Thielking. and Lisa Beth Robinson. Thielking is a professor at the University of Wisconsin –Stevens Point teaching sculpture, drawing, design, and printmaking. Originally from Long Island, New York, she received her BA in Fine Arts and Comparative Literature from Brown University. Her MFA is from the University of Wisconsin–Madison […]