Museum News

International Year of Glass

Posted on Jan 18, 2022, by

A Fresh Year & Fresh Glass Experiences for You! On behalf of the Board, staff, and volunteers of Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass, Happy New Year! We have a full year of fun-packed activities, innovative exhibitions, and special events all around our love of glass planned for you. 2022 also marks a very special celebration: The United […]

Deck the Halls!

Posted on Dec 2, 2021, by

Tis the season for feeling grateful and to celebrate at Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass. I am grateful to our wonderful community for supporting the museum with their time, advocacy, and generosity. We launched our year-end appeal with great response and are on our way to make our gift match challenge by long-time museum supporters Roger […]

Support YOUR Museum

Posted on Nov 11, 2021, by

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff of Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass, I profoundly thank you for your past support. YOUR museum is open and accessible for all due in great part to your efforts and philanthropic spirit. The pandemic has given us a great opportunity to reboot the many ways in […]

Building Community

Posted on Nov 5, 2021, by

Glass-making is all about collaboration and building communities. Likewise, our work and play at Bergstrom-Mahler revolve around creating unique, fun, and often free experiences and events for you, our community. This November, I am delighted to share that we will have extended hours until 8 pm each Thursday night beginning on the 11th. Stay late to experience […]

It Takes a Creative Village!

Posted on Oct 15, 2021, by

Museums are centers of creative ideas and exploration. I like to think of Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass as a creative village where there are always fun, welcoming things to do and see… most of which are admission free. We have so many innovative activities and exhibitions all created with you in mind. Please come and be […]

Get Ready for Fall Fun!

Posted on Sep 3, 2021, by

It’s been one year since my arrival at Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass and I had the pleasure of now experiencing all of Wisconsin’s seasons. For an East Coast transplant, I have found each one special, but fall is my favorite. Especially this fall with all of our upcoming activities at the museum! Did you know that […]

We’re Back!

Posted on Jun 30, 2021, by

  We’re back! Stronger than ever for YOU! Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass offers engaging discoveries to ignite creativity, spark fun and cultivate learning for all. With your help, we have overcome the challenges of the past year and are re-energized with new and exciting programs, events, classes and exhibitions. It’s a full summer and […]

Liane Butitta & Kay Hendrickson’s Virtual Tour of “Docents Know Glass”

Posted on Mar 29, 2021, by

Volunteer docents Liane Butitta and Kay Hendrickson take us on a virtual tour of their selections and discuss the reasons behind their choices for display in the exhibit, Docents Know Glass. (video below) With combined docent experience totaling more than 75 years, our volunteer guides have selected works for exhibition from the permanent collection that […]